
What Do You Need To Register For The Ny Bar

Bar Examination Eligibility

Methods of Qualifying for New York Bar Test
Juris Physician Graduates of ABA Approved Law Schools
Canonical Law Schools
Overview of Requirements
Correspondence Written report, Self-Report, On-Line Law Degrees
Law Part Study/Clerkship
Unapproved Police force Schoolhouse
Strange Constabulary School Study


Section 520 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals for the Access of Attorneys and Counselors at Law provides four routes for an applicant to qualify to take the New York bar examination, all of which require at least some form of classroom report in a law schoolhouse.

1. ABA Approved Law School Study (JD graduates) - Applicant attended and was graduated with a first degree in law from a law schoolhouse or law schools in the United states of america which at all times during the period of bidder's attendance was or were approved by the American Bar Clan (ABA). (Department 520.3 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals)
List of ABA Approved Police Schools

2. Law Office Study/Clerkship - A combination of constabulary schoolhouse study at an ABA approved police school and constabulary office study  (520.4 of the Rules of the Courtroom of Appeals).

iii. Unapproved Constabulary Schoolhouse Study - Graduation from an unapproved law school in the United States with a Juris Doctor degree and practice in a jurisdiction where the bidder has been admitted for 5 of the 7 years immediately preceding application to sit for the New York bar examination. (Department 520.v of the Rules of the Court of Appeals)

4. Foreign Law School Written report – Successful completion of a program of study at a law school outside of the United States that is both durationally and substantively equivalent to a programme of study at an approved law school in the United States, and if required, successful completion of an additional program of study at an approved law school in the United states of america. (Section 520.6 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals) (See also, "Foreign Legal Education" department of this website)

5. Pro Bono Scholars Program – Students in their terminal year of their Juris Doctor degree program at an ABA approved constabulary schoolhouse may qualify to sit down for the February bar test in return for devoting their last semester of study to performing pro bono legal services through an canonical plan. Interested students should consult Department 520.17 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals. More detailed information is available at

Applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully review the eligibility requirements in Section 520 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals for the Admission of Attorneys and Counselors at Law before applying to sit down for the bar test. It is the responsibility of each applicant to exist aware of the eligibility requirements and to demonstrate their compliance with the requirements of the Court Rules.

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Prospective applicants for the New York bar test who are pursuing a Juris Medico degree at a police force school approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) should be enlightened that the requirements of Rule 520.iii may be more than restrictive than the ABA standards. Graduation from an ABA approved law schoolhouse does not automatically authorize an applicant to sit down for the New York bar test.

Approved Constabulary Schools. The law school which the applicant attended must have been approved past the ABA during all periods of the applicant's attendance and must be located in the United States or its territories. Provisional ABA approving is acceptable provided that the law school had conditional status during all periods of the applicant's omnipresence. If the police force school did not have ABA approval during all periods of the bidder'southward attendance, information technology will be necessary for the applicant to petition the Courtroom of Appeals under Department 520.fourteen of the Rules of the Court of Appeals, for a waiver of strict compliance with the provisions of Section 520.three of the Courtroom Rules. Applicants who volition need to petition the Court of Appeals for a waiver should practise so every bit early every bit possible and preferably no later on than threescore days prior to the engagement of the bar examination.

Overview of Instructional, Credit Hour and Course of Written report Requirements (Applicants should read Dominion 520.3 in its entirety for all requirements):

  • Program and course of study at ABA canonical law schoolhouse must be completed no before than 24 months and no later than threescore months afterwards the student commenced of all law study at the constabulary school or a law school from which the schoolhouse has accepted transfer credit.
  • At least 83 credits hours must exist required for graduation.
  • At least 64 of the 83 credit hours must be earned in classroom study.
  • At least 2 credit hours must exist earned in a course in professional person responsibleness.
  • A minimum of 700 minutes of instruction time, exclusive of examination time, must be required for the granting of one credit hour.
  • Credit may be granted toward the 83 credit hours for clinical courses and such credit may be counted toward the 64 classroom credit hours provided the credits come across the requirements in Court Rule 520.three(c)(2).
  • Credit may be granted toward the 83 credit hours for externships and field placements but such credit may not be counted toward the 64 classroom hours except that credit separately awarded for a classroom instructional component of a field placement plan or externship may be counted toward the 64 classroom credit hour requirement.
  • There is no limit on the total number of credits granted for clinical courses, field placements, externships and other experiential learning courses.
  • Up to 12 credit hours may be awarded toward the 83 credit hours (only non the 64 classroom credit hours) for joint degree or other courses taught at another school within the university or at a school affiliated with police school.
  • Upwardly to 15 credit hours of distance education courses, inside defined parameters, may be included in the 83 credit hours and the 64 classroom credit hours.See 520.3(c)(6).
  • No more than one-third of total credits required for graduation may come from study in a strange land.

Waiver Petition and Cure. The Board has no authority to waive any of the requirements of the Court Rules, such power existence vested solely in the Court itself. Should you wish to petition the Courtroom, under 22 NYCRR § 520.14, for a waiver of strict compliance with Court Rule 520.3 and for an guild albeit you to the exam, your verified petition, in duplicate, should be addressed to the Clerk of the Court, Court of Appeals Hall, twenty Eagle Street, Albany, NY 12207. Should you accept any questions concerning the petition process, you should visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" department of the Court's website at

 Applicants who take not satisfied the two-credit Professional person Responsibility course requirement may, in lieu of petitioning the Court of Appeals for a waiver, make take a ii-credit professional responsibleness course on a not-caste basis at an ABA approved law school in the United States, either in a classroom form or via distance instruction (provided that the educatee has not already exceeded the xv credit limit of distance pedagogy credits).

Proof of Compliance Required for Graduates of ABA Approved Constabulary Schools. Applicants qualifying to sit for the bar examination under Section 520.3 must file with the Board a completed Certificate of Police Schoolhouse Attendance Form, together with the completed Specimen of Applicant'southward Handwriting Form, no later than Feb 1st for the February exam and no subsequently than June 15th for the July exam. The Police force Schoolhouse Certificate of Attendance Form and the handwriting course that must exist completed volition be emailed to applicants later the application filing flow has airtight.

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CORRESPONDENCE Report, Self-Report, ON-LINE Police force DEGREES

Law degrees obtained by manner of correspondence, external, internet or self-study practice not qualify an individual to accept the New York bar test.

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New York is i of only a few jurisdictions that permits an bidder to qualify to have the bar exam on the footing of some law schoolhouse study combined with law office study or clerkship. Department 520.4 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals sets forth the eligibility requirements for law office written report. Interested applicants are urged to carefully review the requirements of Section 520.3 To qualify to accept the bar test on the basis of law function study under Section 520.4, the bidder must demonstrate:

  1.  that applicant commenced the study of law after applicant's 18th altogether; and
  2. the applicant successfully completed the prescribed requirements of the first twelvemonth of full-time study in a first degree in law plan at an ABA approved constabulary schoolhouse, whether attending total-fourth dimension or function-time, earning a minimum of 28 credit hours (the threshold flow);
  3. that applicant thereafter studied law in a law office or offices located within New York State under the supervision of one or more than attorneys admitted to practice law in New York Land, for such a menses of time as, together with the credit allowed pursuant to this section for attendance in an approved police school, shall amass four years.

After carefully reviewing rule, the applicant should submit a written request for an evaluation of eligibility to the Board part. In addition to making this written asking, an applicant must take his or her law school or schools submit the following straight to the lath:

  1. an original and official transcript; and
  2. a written statement from an authorized official which includes verification that the bidder was in good continuing, not on bookish probation and was eligible to proceed in its caste program at the conclusion of the threshold period and also at the conclusion of all subsequent semesters.

Upon receipt of the asking for an evaluation together with the required supporting documentation, the Board volition decide whether the applicant meets the threshold criteria nether Section 520.4 and upshot a written determination in due course.

If an applicant meets the threshold criteria, the Lath will then determine how much credit toward the four year requirement the applicant should receive for their police force schoolhouse report, and notify the applicant how many weeks of law office study must exist completed before the applicant may apply for the bar examination. Side by side, the bidder must obtain a position equally a law clerk/student in a police function, and have the attorney with whom he or she is working consummate and file a Certificate of Start of Law Part Report with the Courtroom of Appeals.

The Court's Accost:
Court of Appeals
xx Eagle Street
Albany, NY 12207

Delight notation: NO credit is given for any law office work that was engaged in PRIOR to the applicant'due south completion of the threshold flow at law school OR the filing of the Certificate of Outset.

The bidder must study law in the law office for a period of four years nether the supervision of an attorney who is admitted to do law in New York . (Credit toward this four year requirement is given for successfully completed semesters in an ABA approved law schoolhouse.) Once the required menses of law office study is completed, the applicant is eligible to apply for the New York Country bar test. When applying for the bar exam, the applicant and the attorney or attorneys responsible for the police function study both must consummate affidavits.

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Graduates of non-ABA Approved law schools located in the United States who take also actively practiced police in a U.S. jurisdiction for 5 of the seven years preceding awarding to the New York bar examination may authorize to sit for the bar test under Section 520.5 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals. Rule 520.5 sets forth the following requirements which must be met by graduates of non-ABA approved police force schools seeking to accept the New York bar test:

(one) applicant has studied police in any law school in any other land or territory of the U.s.a. or in the District of Columbia, other than a law schoolhouse which grants credit for correspondence courses; and

(2) the applicant has received a caste from such constabulary schoolhouse which qualifies such applicant to do police in such state, territory or in the District of Columbia; and

(three) the applicant's course of written report complies with the instructional and program requirement of section 520.three(c) through (e) of the Rules of the Court of Appeals; and

(iv) that while admitted to the bar in the highest court in any other state or territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, applicant has actually practiced therein for at least five years of the seven years immediately preceding the application to sit down for the bar examination.

Proof of compliance required for Graduates of non-ABA Approved law schools. Applicants qualifying to sit for the bar examination under Section 520.5 must file the following proof in the Board function no after than Feb 1st for the Feb test and no later than June 15 for the July exam:

(a) Your law school must file the Law School Certificate of Omnipresence course, a copy of which will be emailed to you afterwards yous apply for the examination;

(b) Proof of admission to practice in some other jurisdiction or jurisdictions in the course of a Certificate of Good Continuing;

(c) An affidavit from the applicant setting forth the periods and places of law practise including the dates and names of employers;

(d) Affidavits from supervising attorneys, partners, judges, confirming proof of practice for five of the seven years preceding application to the New York bar test;

(e) Your completed handwriting sample certified by an authorized official at your law school or by a Notary Public.

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FOREIGN LAW Schoolhouse Report

Section 520.6 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals for the Admission of Attorneys and Counselors at Law contains the eligibility requirements for applicants who wish to qualify for the New York Land bar exam based on the study of law in a foreign country. Compliance with the requirements of the Rules of the Court of Appeals must be proved to the satisfaction of the Board before an applicant may be permitted to sit for the bar examination. For more than detailed information concerning the eligibility requirements for foreign educated attorneys, individuals should carefully review Rule 520.half dozen and the information located in the Foreign Legal Education section of this website

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